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Blackpool is known for it’s Illuminations, Golden Mile, Tower, Pleasure Beach and the Waterloo Music Venue, but I confidently expect people to start adding Takeaway Thieves to that iconic list in the not too distant future, at least if there is any justice in this World, I would hope so!

The band produce a classic rock/garage rock hybrid with touches of punk in there as well. Named because there are nine tracks and the whole thing was recorded, mixed and mastered in nine days, this is a very accomplished debut album.


Kicking things off with ’13 Feathers’ a drum-beat, the like of which you might hear as warrior braves dance around the campfire, before mounting their war-ponies, and heading into battle with the cavalry, is joined by a solid riff as the lyrics intone “13 feathers will set me free”, there is a tasty guitar solo in the bridge and we are up and running. . ‘Snakes and Daggers’ has ‘classic rock’ writ large all over it, from the rolling swagger of the melody, to the shouted chorus, not to mention another crackerjack guitar solo, this is just wonderful!

First single from the album was ‘Soothe Me’ which is a little bit punk in parts, Peter shows a softer edge to his vocal range here while the combined guitar work by Neil and Ben is sublime. I am beginning to get a sense of the band’s trademark sound here as the rhythm section drive the track onwards and an underlying riff gives solidity to the sound. ‘Big Mistake’ certainly isn’t, and I felt a Dr Feelgood influence at play here, in this mid-paced blues-based rocker. Takeaway Thieves know what an ‘ear-worm’ is too. They do it again with ‘Lose It’ which flows in a chuggy blues direction, while staccato drums back a great vocal. I suspect this could become a sing-a-long at live events.


‘Hot Car’ speeds things up, as it should, and there seemed to be a Stooges feel to this one. Peter’s vocals are a little higher in the mix, while Max creates a really interesting drum pattern as the track powers along. Second single taken from the disc was ‘Spider’, a song, oddly enough, about a spider “crawlin’ along”. With it’s jangly guitar and shouted chorus, this really defines the garage rock side of the band. Again, we are treated to some great guitar work which gives the track some depth, I really like this one. It’s not @Honky Tonk Women’ but ‘Honky Tonk’ certainly has a detectable Stones influence and kicks plenty of the proverbial. To be honest, any track with ‘Honky Tonk’ and Boogie Woogie’ in the lyrics, gets my vote. The album concludes with ‘Stranger in Town’ a gentle really well sung ballad which is piano led, sadly I don’t have a credit for the keys, and is a fine contrast to the bombast of the rest of the album. An excellent way to end this listening experience.

In conclusion I have to say this is a debut album of the highest quality, well produced, full of great rock and roll of the classic and garage variety. The band have a sound of their own, OK so there are influences, as noted previously, but that is what they are, tints added to the Takeaway Thieves pot of paint, but the base colour is all theirs. I’m sure that this album will become a firm favourite with lovers of rock, it is already in my Top five releases of a very good year.

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Dennis Jarman



Hot cats Takeaway Thieves show they have more than 9 lives with their feline feel good debut album 9.

After one listen to 9, the debut album from Blackpool based Takeaway Thieves, you’ll be ringing 999 for an ambulance to check your vital signs after being blown away by the attitude of these 9 songs, point proven by album opener ’13 Feathers’.

It’s not unlucky 13 for the listener as riffs roll along the prairie like Love era The Cult, all swaggering vibes and the heavier side brought to mind Krokus as lead vocalist Peter McLoughlin delivers with the rasp of Marc Storace and a catchy riffed midsection precedes a finger bleeding guitar solo from Ben Gibson.

‘Snakes And Daggers’ sees some clever word play and dark humour for a gloves off put up or shut up headbanger toughened up more by a gang style delivered chorus and a shimmering fretboard tirade is a treat for the air guitarists out there!

‘Soothe Me’ was the first single released and is a bona fide rock club dance floor filler. Stop start dynamics in the verses give way to the luscious laid back sugar sweet choruses.

‘Big Mistake’ is a song we can all relate to (well I can!) as this bar room boogie toe tapper tells of having more than one drink too many, telling one story too many and not getting home until the next day as Peter sings with a Bon Scott like wink of an eye leer.

They certainly lose it throughout ‘Lose It’ as the guitars of Ben Gibson and Neil Hunter strain at the leash to unleash their ferocity after an insanely heavy opening riff. This crunchy hard rocker sees Peter belt out a vociferous vocal tour de force. Definitely a force to be reckoned with!

‘Hot Cat’ has always been my standout song live and the studio version also gives me cat scratch fever as the marching drum beats from Max Yates and bullish bass guitar of Adam Hall make for a potent rhythm section. Feel good grooves light the touch paper for the raunchy lyrics, definitely worthy for an “Oooh matron!” and steady your hearing for a wrist snapping snare drum outro.

They channel their inner AC/DC throughout ‘Spider’, second single taken from the album to shake your ears as well as your foundations with Peter barking out the lyrics with drill sergeant precision.

‘Honky Tonk’ has nothing to do with Dick Emery for the older Takeaway Thieves fans but it’s a rip roaring party starter chock full of earworm guitar lines, a spotlight stealing lead vocal and more full on band choruses.

After all this bombast we have our ears caressed for the final track ‘Stranger In This Town’. Peter’s forte is personal lyrics and he comes up trumps with some truly heartfelt ones here in this beautiful ballad that exceeds all expectations as he croons over lilting keyboards.

Not ones to rest on their laurels, they held an album launch party at a packed out The Waterloo Bar in Blackpool the day before 9 was released and on release day they played at The Pub in Lancaster where they promised “Acoustic and full tilt electric sets”.

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Evelyn Barr

Emerging Rock Bands Mag

One album not to be missed 



Since forming in 2018 and rapidly gaining a following after the release of their first single/video " I Wish You Were Dead" and E.P " This is RocknRoll" in 2019, this band have taken an old school hard rock sound and added a chug of glam rock into the mix.

With this debut album, Takeaway Thieves are firing on all cylinders. All the songs hit the listener with an " all killer filler" with 13 Feathers, Soothe Me , Lose It and Spider being real stand out tracks. 

This album has catchy riffs and sing-a-long choruses in each and every track and the band is a worthy addition to NWOCR Vol One CD. Takeaway Thieves are a band not to be missed on the live circuit in the very near future.


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Graeme McAlister

Rockfiend  Publication

Album review
Big on riffs, the swaggering debut album from the Takeaway Thieves confirms that classic hard rock is alive and kicking in the North West of England.  
From the opening power chords of the first track ‘13 Feathers’ it’s clear where this album is going and provides much fun along the way – particularly if you grew up on a diet of early Aerosmith, The Cult and AC/DC.
Highlights include the very well-crafted single ‘Soothe Me’, capable of finding it’s way on to rock dance floors and playlists and staying there, ‘Big Mistake’, ‘Hot Cat’ with it’s Manchester-leaning chorus, ‘Honky Tonk’ and the piano accompanied album closer ‘Stranger in This Town’.  
The playing is solid throughout, with some really good guitar work on display. The vocals and playing also always complement each other, without overshadowing the other, and the standard of production is very high, as would be expected from Dave Draper.
Unashamedly wearing their influences on their sleeves, Takeaway Thieves manage to take them and produce something which sounds fresh and distinct within the increasingly crowded New Wave of Classic Rock.
Well worth checking out if you like your riff quota high.
Takeaway Thieves are –
Peter McLoughlin – vocals
Neil Hunter – guitar
Ben Gibson – guitar
Adam Hall – bass
Max Yates - drums

"Rock and roll Blackpool rockers Takeaway Thieves serve up a cordon bleu feast of raw garage rock riffing held together by a watertight rhythm section and a melodic vocal snarl from Peter McLoughlin, a man who was born to be onstage who walks the walk and talks the talk! " Dennis Jarman PlanetMosh

"Other highlights are Blackpool glamsters Takeaway Thieves’ tinny-sounding This Is Rock’N’Roll unwittingly channelling Ray Zell’s mischievous Marionette." Geoff Barton Classic Rock Magazine

"Takeaway Thieves – This Is Rock N Roll: A track that does what it says on the tin. Slight punk feel which is nice." Owen Edmonds All About The Rock

"Last but not least, one final band under our 'Not crossed paths with before' category is Blackpool five-piece Rock band, Takeaway Thieves, and 'This Is Rock N Roll', with their old school Rock vibe and Glam swagger, all complemented by a pinging, sleazy, self isolation video. Check it out. AJ Wrinkly Rockers Club




02 Academy Sheffield  28th August 2021

Darren Smith 


The Takeaway Thieves took to the Sheffield stage next and they treated the HRH faithful to a wonderfully dynamic, loud, and raucous performance that was worthy of a slot much higher up the bill. Opening up with a mind melting salvo of ’13 Feathers’, ‘Snakes and Daggers’, ‘Soothe Me’ and ‘I Wish You Were Dead’ they upped the anti from the previously high level set by Twister.


I sat there knowing how much I had missed this high octane rock n fecking roll that I was witnessing. Having caught them 2 years earlier on stage 2, I knew that Takeaway Thieves were good, but boy, this was mind blowing good. They have obviously taken the covid enforced lay off and used it to a whole lot of good and have come out all guns blazing.


They are worth seeing just to watch bassist Adam Hall who uses every inch of the stage like a jack rabbit on acid as he helps lay down the bands rhythm. There are riffs aplenty throughout the bands set from the six string duo of Neil Hunter and Ben Gibson and Pete McLoughlin’s vocals are just perfectly gritty and powerful. This step up from stage 2 to stage 1 is really suiting them. It is a bigger stage with a bigger sound and they are putting in a bigger performance. New single ‘Spider’ precedes ‘Hot Cat’ which is a huge down and dirty rocker made up of all the correct ingredients for a sex fuelled sleaze anthem.


That leads into another new track ‘Lose It’ before the fast and frenetic ‘Slippin Slidin’. This is all power, all energy, all go! You cannot take your eyes of the stage for one split second as the Takeaway Thieves command your full attention in a performance that must have been powered by Duracell batteries. ‘Honky Tonk’ and ‘This Is Rock and Roll’, with a musical pace that a F1 car would do well to keep up with brought the Thieves high-powered set to a close. If the crowd weren’t tired before the last track, they must have been after as it was a delightful slice of turbocharged AC/DC inspired, punk fuelled rock n roll. Sleaze is back baby….hell yeah!


Whether the crowd were exhausted after the full on set from Takeaway Thieves or whether they were conserving their energy for Midnite City who are following I don’t know but at the start of the Gypsy Pistolero’s set there was a real lethargy in the audience and at times a look of confusion.

Waterloo Music Bar Blackpool

Jo Crosby 

Rockflesh  28th October 2021


Talking about energy, next we welcomed the Power station that is Takeaway Thieves to the stage. Seriously you could run a small village off the movement of this band. From the first note to the last chord they don't stop. They are the Duracell bunnies of Rock. They are over here, no over there, no, that way, this way, every way. They dance and they strut and they preen and its wonderful because we get to do that with them. The songs are uplifting and fun the beat is insistent and for forty minutes or so we are transported into Thievesworld. This is a riot of colour, sound and movement and I love it. Old favourites are aired, new songs from the recently -released album "9" are belted out and my only complaint is that eventually they have to stop. Superb set from a Great band, don't miss these guys because they are going places.

© 2024 Takeaway Thieves / Karmeleon Productions

Photo Credit: Simon Dunkerley.......Mike Steele......Louise Newiss

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